TNA to SGO Node

Description of the infrastructure

The Finnish pulsation magnetometer chain (PuMa) is operated by SGO since 1999 after observatory of University of Oulu was joined to Sodankyla Geophysical Observatory. The chain includes six stations in Finland from 60.5°N to 69°N (from L-values 3.4 to 6.1) namely KIL, IVA, SOD, ROV, OUL and NUR. Pulsation magnetometers are completely designed and built in-house and thus internationally unique. The data from Sodankylä station has been available since 1971.

The Kilpisjärvi Atmospheric Imaging Receiver Array (KAIRA) is a dual array of omnidirectional VHF radio antennas located near Kilpisjärvi, Finland. It is operated by the Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory. It makes extensive use of the proven LOFAR antenna and digital signal-processing hardware, and can act as a stand-alone passive receiver, as a receiver for the European Incoherent Scatter (EISCAT) very high frequency (VHF) incoherent scatter radar in Tromsø, or for use in conjunction with other Fenno-Scandinavian VHF experiments.

Riometer measurements started 1965 and all Finnish stations since 1970. The Finnish Riometer Chain maintained by SGO currently includes observation sites in Kevo, Abisko, Ivalo, Sodankylä, Rovaniemi, Oulu.


The Finnish pulsation magnetometer chain (PuMa) includes six stations in Finland from 60.5°N to 69°N (from L-values 3.4 to 6.1) namely KIL, IVA, SOD, ROV, OUL and NUR.The pulsation magnetometer data products are the raw samples and quick-look plots of the spectra.
The Kilpisjärvi Atmospheric Imaging Receiver Array (KAIRA) is a dual array of omnidirectional VHF radio antennas located near Kilpisjärvi, Finland. The semi-continuous operation mode provides all-sky-imaging riometer products, most importantly cosmic-radio noise absorption. Similarly, the Finnish Riometer Chain maintained by SGO includes observation sites for single beam riometers at Ivalo, Kevo, Sodankylä, Rovaniemi, Oulu.


Areas of access

  • Auroral electrodynamics using the entire PuMa network, comparison to visual auroral oval and exploitation of IL and IU indices.
  • Electron precipitation from KAIRA, comparison to model result.
  • Ionospheric D region radio wave absorption using riometer data and KAIRA observations.



For more information, see

Contact person: Prof. Eija Tanskanen (