PITHIA-NRF TNA Users Meetings
Open meetings presenting results from PITHIA-NRF TNA projects, and possibilities for research enabled by the PITHIA-NRF project.
PITHIA-NRF is a project aiming at building a distributed network in Europe integrating observation facilities, data processing tools and prediction models for ionososphere, thermosphere and plasmasphere research. The project includes a Transnational Access (TNA) programme providing external researchers access to PITHIA-NRF connected research facilities and expertise.
These meetings are an opportunity for the TNA researchers to share their experiences and results from the TNA calls, and to learn more about what PITHIA-NRF can offer.
The First PITHIA-NRF TNA Users Meeting took place on the 20th February 2023.
The Second PITHIA-NRF TNA Users Meeting will take place on the 3rd of June 2025.