
The External Expert Advisory Board (EEAB) brings together influential international scientists, service developers and users, data managers as well as representative from international organizations who provide space prediction services to users, with interests relevant to the project, but who are independent of it.

EEAB ensures that the project is engaged with and responsive to developments in Europe and non-EU countries. It will have an important role in ensuring the project achieves its intended impacts in terms of structuring the European Research Area in connection with non-EU initiatives and International standards, having the power to co-opt/appoint members from other EU/non-EU projects with whom PITHIA-NRF wishes to engage.

The EEAB membres (Advisors) are:





Ian McCrea United Kingdom Head of Space Physics and Operations Division, STFC RAL Space Ground-based research infrastructures of the ionospheric physics community
Aude Chambodut France Professor in the University of Strasbourg and member of the ICSU World Data System Research Data Management; Director of the International Service of Geomagnetic Indices (ISGI); Director of the EOST magnetic observatory Department (BCMT-EOST)
Mamoru Ishii Japan Director General of Radio Propagation Research Center, Radio Research Institute, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology Observation networks for space environment, development of space environment simulators and standardized services
Joseph Lemaire Belgium Prof.  Emeritus from the Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL) and Co-founder of the Center for Space Radiations (CSR/UCL) Contributions to the theoretical study of the Magnetosphere and Plasmasphere; Kinetic Models; Radiation Belt Models Analysis and Software; TREND and SPENVIS projects; Principal investigator of PROBA-V Energetic Particle Telescope (EPT)
Joe Huba USA

Vice President, Syntek Technologies (affiliated with NASA/CCMC)

First-Principles physics based Ionosphere/Plasmasphere and Ionospheric Irregularities models (SAMI2 and SAMI 3 models)
Iurii Cherniak

Scientific Researcher at UCAR - The University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado, United States

Ionosphere-plasmasphere system structure, morphology and dynamics using ground-based and space-born techniques
Klaus Sievers Germany


Space weather and aviation