The First PITHIA-NRF TNA Users Meeting took place on 20 February 2023, 12:00 to 16:00 CET as an online event. This meeting was an opportunity for the TNA researchers to share their experiences and results from the first TNA calls, and to learn more about what PITHIA-NRF can offer.
Participants were welcome to join us at 12 CET using the following zoom meeting link:
Meeting ID: 689 6933 9472
Passcode: 3945470070
Meeting programme:
12:00 CET
Welcome and Introduction | Ingemar Häggström
12:15 - 13:20 CET
TNA User presentations - part 1:
- Portuguese regional ionosphere maps | Anna Morozova
- Characterization of Plasma Depletions and Effects on Geodetic Applications | Andres Calabia Aibar
- Validating GPS-driven models of the ionosphere using LOFAR pulsar observations | Nataliya Porayko
- Feasibility study of data-driven Autonomous Service for Prediction of Ionospheric Scintillations (ASPIS) | Simon Mackovjak
13:25 CET
PITHIA-NRF e-Science Centre | Tamas Kiss
13:50 CET
Tea Break
14:10 - 15:30 CET
TNA User presentations - part 2:
- Study of the characteristics of ionospheric irregularities at high and low latitudes through observations of EISCAT and VHF Radar at Haringhata, India | Ashik Paul
- Study on Ionospheric disturbances due to space weather in LOFAR data | Rositsa Miteva
- Sensitivity of Ionospheric Disturbance detection by Swarm in time of strong Earthquakes in Aegean region | Wojciech Jarmołowski
- Ionospheric Response to Space Hurricanes observed by GNSS and Ionosonde | Haixia Lyu
- Storm-related study of Ionospheric irregularities over southern Europe using digisondes and GNSS Data | Saioa Arquero Campuzano
15:35 CET
Multi-nodal research in the frame of PITHIA-NRF
Chaired by Anna Belehaki with contributions from the nodes’ representatives
16:00 CET
Closing remarks