PITHIA-NRF organises the Second High Profile Meeting on Friday 14 March 2025 in Heraklion, Crete, Greece. The PITHIA-NRF High Profile Meeting aims at providing an attractive platform to exchange and present resultson the latest Plasmasphere Ionosphere and Thermosphere research developments, todiscussnew ideas and to network with representatives fromorganisationsthatdevelopand useproducts and services for protecting critical systems fromshort and long-term disturbances in the upper atmosphere and plasmasphere. Closeinteraction with the Consortium will make sure thatprojectdevelopmentsfollow the state of the art, making possible the interoperability with other complementary systems developed worldwide,improving the usability of its servicesand paving the way towards the long-term sustainabilityof PITHIA-NRF operations.
PITHIA-NRF stands for “Plasmasphere Ionosphere Thermosphere Integrated Research Environment and Access services: a Network of Research Facilities”. It is a research project that paves the way to business practices and technological developments in the near-Earth and upper atmosphere. PITHIA-NRF mitigates the adverse effects of upper atmosphere phenomena that pose scientific, operational, and societal challenges.