

PITHIA-NRF organised the Second High Profile Meeting (HPM#2) on Friday 14 March 2025 in Heraklion, Crete, Greece. 58 participants - PITHIA-NRF members, users, scientists and stakeholders - attended the meeting, which was hybrid.




Highlights from the meeting

The Second High-Profile Meeting brought together partners from the PITHIA-NRF Consortium and experts in upper-atmospheric research and development. The event focused on the project's achievements and sustainability plans, aiming to create an integrated research environment for ionosphere, plasmasphere, and thermosphere studies. Consortium presentations covered the project's overarching goals and key advancements, including the e-Science Centre and highlights from the Trans-National Access program. A dedicated expert users' session explored topics such as international cooperation in space weather services through the GION network, a novel approach to analysing Earth's geomagnetic dynamics using Swarm mission data, and innovative methods for ionosphere mapping with smartphone data. Additionally, the meeting featured overviews of related research infrastructures, including EPOS, which provides a vast GNSS data repository, and PECASUS, which serves as an aviation-focused space weather advisory centre. An early warning system for space surveillance integrating space weather data was also introduced. The presentation of HF over-the-horizon radar systems concept for defence and security was complemented by an analysis of the impact of travelling ionospheric disturbances (TIDs) on their performance. The presented research and technologies demonstrated strong potential for collaboration, further enhancing the advancements made within the PITHIA-NRF framework.

Next Steps for PITHIA-NRF

  • Plan to submit a new proposal to the European Commission for continued funding and infrastructure development.
  • Before that, the MoU will be finalised and signed by the Consortium partners by the end of June 2025.
  • As part of the next project phase, further developments will take into account the possibility for the:
    • Development of a one-stop shop for space weather data.
    • Provision of additional tools for data cleaning and visualisation.
    • Provision of AI-base tools, like virtual scientific assistants, to interact with the e-Science Centre.
    • Provision of tools to support the development and validation of SW forecasting models, including quality-verified data.
    • Provision of tools for multi-instrument, multi-location joint analysis, to address coupling studies.
    • Real-time monitoring of experimental facilities in the PITHIA-NRF Nodes.
    • Creation of static datasets with relevant data collections linked to events, publications, or campaigns.


PITHIA-NRF partners are invited to join the efforts for the next phase of the PITHIA-NRF development and advancements by providing feedback on current tools and working on solutions tailored to their needs that shall be offered by PITHIA-NRF. The next, final, user meetings will take place on the 3rd and 4th of June 2025 in Brussels – the TNA user meeting and the networking meeting.  


Highlights from the HPM#2 presentations

PITHIA-NRF members' presentations

PITHIA-NRF Project Achievements and Future, Anna BELEHAKI (NOA)

The meeting addresses the achievements of the PITHIA-NRF project, which is nearing its end. An overview of the project was presented, highlighting its goal to build an integrated research environment for the ionosphere, plasmasphere, and thermosphere community. The project portfolio includes data collections, observing facilities, scientific models, and supporting activities such as dissemination, communication, innovation, and training. The e-Science Centre serves as a hub providing open access to data collections and processed model results, following FAIR data principles. The project also includes a Trans-National Access (TNA) program allowing users to conduct research at various nodes across Europe.


PITHIA-NRF research advancements through the TNA Programme, Anders TJULIN (EISCAT)

The presentation provided an overview of the PITHIA-NRF research advancements through the TNA program, which offers researchers, students, SMEs, and industry professionals access to experimental and data processing facilities for studying the plasmasphere, ionosphere, and thermosphere. The program supports physical and remote access, travel, accommodation, and scientific guidance. Since 2021, it has conducted eight calls, receiving 63 applications, with 54 projects accepted, 34 completed, and 14 ongoing.

Several TNA projects were highlighted, including AI4Tech, which applied machine learning to ionospheric forecasting; ASPIS, a feasibility study on ionospheric scintillation prediction; CPD&EGA, which investigated plasma depletions affecting geodetic applications; LONG, which analysed travelling ionospheric disturbances; PRISMATIC, which explored auroral emission polarization for ionospheric current tracing; and SIDSEA, which studied ionospheric disturbances related to earthquakes.

The presentation emphasized the program's success in fostering scientific advancements and international collaborations, with a share of knowledge being highlighted as the most valuable outcome. A TNA user meeting in Brussels on June 3rd will allow participants to showcase their projects.


PITHIA-NRF e-Science Centre and Workflows Demonstration, Tamas KISS (UoW)

The e-Science Centre serves as a central hub for accessing data collections, executable models, workflows, and catalogues offered by PITHIA-NRF partners. A key feature of the e-Science Centre is its ontology-based metadata system. Data is described using a standardized ISO-compliant XML format, incorporating an ontology that defines scientific terms such as ionosphere and thermosphere. This structured approach ensures that each dataset includes precise details about computation methods, responsible institutions, and researchers. Users can browse, search by keyword, or apply ontology-based filters to find datasets. While access is free, publishing requires authorization. The platform also enables workflow integration, allowing scientists to link multiple models for automated analysis. By streamlining data discovery and execution, the e-Science Centre enhances collaboration and research efficiency.

As a part of the demonstration, Sean Bruinsma (CNES) demonstrated two workflows related to the thermosphere model DTM 2020 - one that provides a 3-day density output sequence and another that compares user data or standard datasets to the model. The workflows allow users to input parameters, execute the model, and visualize results comparing observed and modelled densities.


PITHIA-NRF Sustainability Plan, Yin CHEN (EGI)

The Sustainability Plan outlines strategies to ensure the long-term success of the European Research Infrastructure for space weather and upper atmosphere research. The PITHIA-NRF's core value is uniting world-class research facilities into a single accessible network, enabling ground-breaking studies. The Consortium partners are committed to open science, fostering transparency, reproducibility, and innovation. The importance of collaboration, operational model stability, and partnership across academia, industry, and government has to be supported. The sustainability plan includes a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that establishes governance, accessibility, and long-term institutional commitment. Yin also mentioned the development of a structured working plan and a roadmap to sustain and enhance the research infrastructure. The annual MoU is set to be effective from July 1st, 2025, and will continue for four years until June 30th, 2029.

The plan also emphasizes expanding outreach, training programs, and funding opportunities to support innovation and collaboration. PITHIA-NRF aims to remain at the forefront of space weather research through continuous technological advancements, strong governance, and an engaged research community.


Experts' presentations

"Global Ionosonde Observation/Operation Network (GION)", Mamoru ISHII (NICT)

Mamoru Ishii discussed efforts toward a Global Space Weather Warning System, emphasizing international cooperation and user engagement. Key organizations like the UN COPUOS, ICAO, WMO, and ISES play major roles in space weather services, with the recently established Space Weather International Coordination Forum (ISWCF) working to align global efforts. While space-based observation is well-coordinated, improvements are needed in ground-based observation and user engagement, particularly in sectors like power grids and telecommunications.

A major initiative, the Global Ionosonde Observation and Operation Network (GION), was launched to coordinate global ionosonde observations and enhance data sharing. Ishii also highlighted Japan’s Space Weather User Committee, which fosters collaboration across aviation, satellite, and outreach sectors. Moving forward, he stressed the need for trust-building with users and collaborative experiments to better understand space weather’s impact on social infrastructure.

Follow-up discussion:

The discussion focused on funding challenges and data-sharing issues in space weather research.

Funding Challenges: Mamoru acknowledged financial constraints, explaining that organizations like ISES and the International Space Weather Coordination Forum lack dedicated budgets. It was then mentioned that for initiatives such as PITHIA-NRF based on funding from the European Commission, sustainability remains a concern. The potential agreements with the private sector to support open data initiatives were suggested. Highlighted were also difficulties in securing national-level funding, as institutions prefer funding scientific research rather than data operations.

Data Sharing and Accessibility: Emphasized was the importance of standardized data formats for uniform data exchange. Mamoru agreed, noting that while technical frameworks exist (e.g., within WMO), political and diplomatic challenges persist, as some countries are reluctant to share data.

ESA's Open Data Initiative: It was noted that ESA recently proposed a policy for open access to space weather data from all ESA measurement systems under the Space Safety Program. They are seeking support from Member States in upcoming meetings to implement fully open and free data access.


"Dynamical Complexity in Swarm SYM-H-like and AE-like Indices Using Information Theory: Further Evidence for Interhemispheric Asymmetry", George BALASIS (NOA)

The presentation focused on recent research in geomagnetic activity indices using Swarm satellite data. George highlighted two key studies: one from 2023 on complex system methods for geospace research and another from 2024 introducing "complexity physics in geophysics." The research aims to generate geomagnetic activity indices for storms and substorms, using Swarm data to provide a more comprehensive global view than traditional ground-based indices.

Key findings included a strong correlation (0.9) between Swarm-derived indices and standard ground-based indices, as well as insights into hemispheric asymmetries in ionospheric currents. The study also explored entropy-based analysis, demonstrating clear storm signatures, particularly during major storms like the 2015 St. Patrick’s Storm and the May 2024 superstorm. Additionally, recent research introduced a geomagnetic induced current (GIC) activity index derived from mid-latitude observatories, further advancing space weather monitoring capabilities.

The emphasis was placed on the importance of Swarm’s fast data access and evolving EU policies, which now allow near-instantaneous access to geomagnetic data. The findings support the need for continued research in geomagnetic activity monitoring and space weather forecasting.

Follow-up discussion:

Tobias pointed out that traditional indices, such as the Aurora Electrojet or DST index, can show the same values at different stages of a storm, making it challenging for operational warning systems to distinguish between storm initiation and ongoing activity. He suggested that entropy might be a better measure since it exhibits the most significant drop at the beginning of a storm, potentially improving alert systems by preventing redundant warnings.

George Balasis responded that entropy provides a different way to represent the signal and appears to be particularly effective at detecting enhanced geomagnetic activity. He noted that in cases like the 2015 storms, entropy remained high during strong disturbances, indicating its ability to capture the overall magnetosphere-ionosphere (M-I) coupling. While entropy has not yet been explored for forecasting, he acknowledged its potential for future applications in this area.


"Mapping the Ionosphere with Millions of Phones", Anton KAST (Google Research)

Anton presents research on mapping the ionosphere using data from millions of smartphones. The study, published in Nature, demonstrates that despite the low precision of phone measurements, aggregating data from many devices can produce accurate ionosphere maps. The technique involves solving a large least squares problem to simultaneously compute ionosphere density and calibrate individual phone errors. The resulting maps show features like the equatorial anomaly and can even capture the plasma bubble signatures. The study revealed detailed plasma structures, demonstrating the potential for 3D ionosphere reconstruction. The presented results were validated and agree with measurements from specialized equipment. This approach could improve location accuracy on phones by providing superior ionosphere maps. Data and processing code are publicly available for further research.

Follow-up discussion:

Anton Kast explained that night-time data collection is not currently included due to policy decisions but is necessary for improving location accuracy on phones. He described how measurements are collected from Android phones using timestamps from satellites and mentioned that Google's GNSS Logger app allows access to this data.

Luca Spogli from the Italian National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology inquired about validating Google’s ionosphere maps with high-resolution regional TEC maps, leading to a discussion about potential collaborations. Anton acknowledged the value of such comparisons, noting that regional maps offer higher resolution than their current global approach.

Tobias raised the possibility of using the data to track scintillation events, which can disrupt GNSS signals. Anton confirmed that while they had observed scintillation, they had not yet attempted to map or analyse it in detail. Tobias highlighted that global coverage for scientific GNSS stations tracking scintillation is sparse, making this a valuable opportunity. Anton agreed, expressing confidence that Google’s dataset could contribute to detailed scintillation mapping. However, further offline detailed discussion led to the conclusion that phone data have insufficient resolution to track these changes.


"High FreqUency oveR The Horizon sensors’ cognitivE netwoRk (iFURTHER)", Apostolos LEVENTIS (HAI)

The iFURTHER project is a European research initiative developing high-frequency over-the-horizon (HF OTH) radar systems for defence and security. Funded by the European Defence Fund, it began in 2022 and involves 17 partners from 9 countries. The goal is to create a collaborative radar network that detects and tracks targets beyond the horizon, ensuring EU sovereignty.

The project employs a multistatic HF-OTH-R concept application integrating receivers and transmitters for improved accuracy. The system will connect with existing monitoring systems, enhancing surveillance and mission analysis. Ionosphere monitoring plays a crucial role in optimizing radar performance, using real-time cognitive resource management to model propagation and select optimal frequencies. This includes ionospheric sounders and spectrum monitoring, ensuring reliable target detection despite atmospheric variations.

Now in the experimental validation phase, iFURTHER is refining signal processing algorithms and developing a prototype for future deployment, aiming to strengthen European security and resilience.

Follow-up discussion:

The question was whether the final system, set to be operational in 2031, would integrate a subsystem for real-time ionospheric condition monitoring. Apostolos confirmed this, explaining that the system will gather ionospheric data from all available monitoring equipment to ensure seamless operation. He also mentioned that the system will include cognitive capabilities to optimize frequency selection for the best performance. Further, he mentioned that the required precision of the operating frequencies is an aspect being still under evaluation.


"EPOS’ GNSS infrastructure and it’s FAIR-aligned data management", Carine BRUYNINX (ROB)

EPOS (European Plate Observing System) is a research infrastructure serving solid earth sciences by providing open-access, quality-controlled data across disciplines. EPOS operates through ten Thematic Core Services (TCS), each ensuring coordinated data provision and interoperability. The GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) TCS, provides access to data via two main portals: the GNSS Data Gateway for raw data and the GNSS Product Portal for processed products. The EPOS-GNSS implementation has been evolving for over a decade, initially without FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) data principles in mind, requiring recent efforts to align with these standards. Key steps in this transition include structuring metadata, assigning persistent identifiers like DOIs, and upgrading data access services. A crucial component, the GNSS Station Metadata System, ensures detailed documentation and licensing before data integration. While over 2,000 stations have agreed to share data, convincing all station managers remains a challenge. Nevertheless, EPOS provides significantly more GNSS data than other networks, enhancing applications beyond solid earth sciences. A recent analysis of the May 2024 solar storms demonstrated the added value of a denser GNSS network in detecting signal disruptions. Despite its success, EPOS faces sustainability challenges, relying on country memberships and in-kind contributions. Ongoing efforts continue to improve data accessibility and compliance with FAIR principles, ensuring EPOS-GNSS remains a valuable resource for research and operational applications.

Follow-up discussion:

The possibility of registering EPOS data in the PITHIA e-Science Centre was inquired. Carine explained that all GNSS data are available under a CC-BY license, meaning they can be freely used as long as the data owner is cited. However, she pointed out that directly downloading and redistributing the data from EPOS data centres is discouraged because it prevents the original centres from tracking data usage. Instead, she emphasized that data should be accessed through EPOS web services and APIs, which allow seamless integration into workflows without the need for duplication.

Carine added that while downloading data for personal use is possible, redistributing it would undermine the efforts of data centres responsible for data curation. The EPOS-DCAT-AP application provides all API documentation for further reference.


"The activities of PECASUS and their interest for upper-atmospheric products for space weather monitoring", Yana MANEVA (PECASUS | ROB)

PECASUS is a European space weather centre that provides aviation-related space weather advisories as part of a global network alongside centres from Australia, Canada, France, Japan, the U.S., China, and Russia. PECASUS operates on a rotational basis, ensuring continuous monitoring and readiness to switch roles if needed. It is led by the Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI) and involves nine European countries, with the STCE serving as a key monitoring centre. The advisories focus on three main domains: GNSS navigation, radiation exposure for pilots, and high-frequency radio communication. Data is gathered from multiple sources, including ground-based scintillation receivers, ionosondes, and space-based measurements. However, discrepancies between models present challenges in accurately identifying affected areas, particularly for GNSS disruptions and post-storm depressions. A lack of aviation industry feedback further complicates service validation. The presentation highlighted the May 2024 storm, which caused global ionospheric disturbances, affecting GNSS and HF communications, but due to insufficient reports, full impact validation remains challenging. Ongoing efforts aim to refine advisory accuracy, improve global coverage through additional proxies, and explore the role of seasonal equatorial plasma bubbles. Addressing these challenges will enhance the reliability of space weather advisories for aviation.


"Tools for analyzing the effects of space weather on space assets", Jacopo DIAMANTI (Spazio)

ICARUS is an early warning system for space surveillance that integrates space weather data developed by GM Spazio. Space weather significantly affects SSA operations, influencing satellite communication, electronics, and orbital manoeuvres. ICARUS addresses these challenges by collecting and analysing space weather data to predict potential risks, issuing early warnings to operators for preventive actions like adjusting satellite orbits or switching systems to safe mode.

The system’s core uses the High Precision Orbit Propagator (HPOP), incorporating solar and geomagnetic activity to enhance orbit predictions. The solution runs simulations every three hours, integrating real-time and historical space weather data to improve accuracy. Graphs and animations demonstrated how different space weather models impact satellite orbits and radiation exposure.

ICARUS enhances early warnings, reduces downtime, and protects space assets more effectively than current methods. The project now seeks to optimize API usage for real-time data integration and predictive analysis, aiming to further improve operators' decision-making against space weather threats.


"TID effect on HF OTH performance", Philippe BROUARD (ONERA)

The effects of HF on over-the-horizon (OTH) radar performance. He discusses various OTH radar systems developed by ONERA, including surface wave and skywave designs. The presentation covers the evolution of these systems, their operating principles, and their capabilities, such as detection range and digital processing. Philip also mentions ongoing efforts to improve system robustness and performance through advanced architectures and forecasting tools.

The impact of travelling ionospheric disturbances (TIDs) on over-the-horizon (OTH) radar performance was presented, focusing on both skywave and surface wave radar systems. Skywave OTH radars rely on ionospheric reflection for detecting targets beyond the horizon, making them particularly susceptible to ionospheric anomalies such as TIDs, which can distort signals and reduce detection accuracy. ONERA has developed and refined multiple OTH radar systems, including the Nostradamus skywave radar and a series of surface wave radars deployed across France. The latest generation of these radars features advanced synthetic arrays and improved target detection, particularly for small objects. To mitigate the effects of TIDs, ONERA explores various strategies, including real-time monitoring, forecasting tools, adaptive frequency tuning, and cognitive system enhancements. They emphasize the need for European autonomy in radar infrastructure to ensure resilience and security. Looking ahead, ONERA aims to improve forecasting accuracy and real-time TID characterization to enhance OTH radar reliability and maintain robust defence capabilities.