Dr Aurélie Marchaudon
Dr Aurélie Marchaudon is a permanent CNRS researcher at IRAP (Toulouse, France) since 2012. Her work has been dedicated to a better understanding of the magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling of magnetospheric transients like flux transfer events or auroral arcs by combining ground-based instrumentation like SuperDARN radars and space-borne instruments (Ørsted, Swarm, Cluster, Double Star). She has more than 15 years of experience in ionosphere and satellite data interpretation. More recently, she has broadened her skills through physical modelling of the ionosphere (Earth and other planets). She has together with Pierre-Louis Belly (IRAP) developed an interhemispheric version of the TRANSCAR ionosphere model, called IPIM with a new version which is planet-independent. A Mars version being largely used in the frame of the Europlanet project. Finally, she is strongly involved in Space Weather activities through development of new magnetic indices with better spatio-temporal resolution as well as new tools for the 3DView/CDPP software dedicated to ionosphere data visualization and determination of satellite-ground-based conjunctions. She has about 50 refereed publications and about 12 invited talks in International and National Conferences. Since 2008, she is the SuperDARN PI of the French Kerguelen radar.