Dr Alberto García-Rigo
Alberto Garcia Rigo, PhD., is an international expert on GNSS ionospheric determination, space weather and positioning, with particular focus on real-time/prediction operational systems. He is working as Research Director at the Technical University of Catalonia(UPC) and he has been co-founder of UPC-IonSAT research group. He is the chairman of IAG’s Real-Time Ionosphere Monitoring Working Group (RTIM-WG; from 2016 to 2019) and he has been actively collaborating in IGS Ionosphere Working Group (IGS Iono-WG) for the last decade (generation, evaluation and combination of IGS ionospheric products, including predicted products). He has 14 published articles in peer-reviewed papers, more than 40 congress presentations and he has been actively involved in more than 20 international projects on GNSS including activities on precise farming, unmanned vehicles positioning, space weather forecasting, earthquake prediction, EGNOS monitorization, among other ionospheric and precise positioning research topics. He owns one patent on GNSS together with Prof. M. Hernández-Pajares and he is reviewer in multiple journals on geosciences (including Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, Radio Science, Space Weather, IEEE JSTARS, Advances in Space Research and Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica). He is also lecturer on Mathematics and GNSS at UPC, as well as on specialized GNSS courses for international engineers. He is also member of IEEC’s CTE-CRAE group.
In PITHIA-NRF Alberto García-Rigo contributes in the SISTED solar flare detector and in UPC-IonSAT management support to the project, with an allocation of 5% of full-time employment.