Main tasks
In PITHIA-NRF UoW will primarily be involved in the JRA activities and will mainly be responsible for the design and development of the technical infrastructure. UoW will lead WP5/JRA1 and will utilise its expertise in the state-of-the-art analysis, design and technical development/implementation tasks related to the PITHIA-NRF e-science center. Additionally, UoW will also support the deployment of the various interoperable components in WP6/JRA2 with specific knowledge and expertise related to the developed technical building blocks. UoW will also contribute to the interoperability policies definition in WP1/NA1 with its technical expertise, to the organisation of technical training courses in WP2/NA2, and to the dissemination and standardisation activities of WP3-4 (NA3-4), primarily in the technical aspects of the project.