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Matyjasiak Barbara, Przepiórka Dorota, and Rothkaehl Hanna; Seasonal Variations of Mid-Latitude Ionospheric Trough Structure Observed with DEMETER and COSMIC, Acta Geophysica, Vol.64, No 6, pp.27342747, doi: 10.1515/acgeo-2016-0102, 2016.

C. Y. Chen, Tiger J. Y. Liu, I. T. Lee, H. Rothkaehl, D. Przepiorka, Loren C. Chang, B. Matyjasiak, K. Ryu, K.‐I. Oyama,The Midlatitude Trough and the Plasmapause in the Nighttime Ionosphere Simultaneously Observed by DEMETER During 2006-2009,

Stanislawska I., and T. Gulyaeva; Ionospheric W index based on GNSS TEC in the operational use for navigation systems, doi: 10.5772/59902 in Satellite Positioning: Methods, Models and Applications, 2015.

Andre et al. “Virtual Planetary Space Weather Services offered by the Europlanet H2020 Research Infrastructure” Planetary and Space Science, 150 (2018), pp. 50-59.

Stanislawska, I., T. L. Gulyaeva , O. Grynyshyna-Poliuga, and L. V. Pustovalova, Ionospheric Weather During Five Extreme Geomagnetic Superstorms Since IGY Deduced With the Instantaneous Global Maps GIM-foF2, Space Weather, doi 10.1029/2018SW001945, 2018.