Main tasks
SRC PAS is leading WP4 and thus responsible within the project for maintaining and further developing standard-making processes for data curation and validation, for technologies relevant to PITHIA-NRF observations, and promote use of PITHIA-NRF services by SMEs and R&D sections of aerospace industries. The first of the three planned Innovation days will be hosted at SRC PAS to aware users from SMEs and the aerospace sectors about PITHIA-NRF concept. Contribution in dissemination, exploitation and communication programme will be an important point of the SRC PAS activities.
The SRC PAS team is also providing Trans-national access to its facilities, which includes LOFAR PL610 station, Warsaw ionosonde and H2PT infrastructure. Within SRC PAS node various data sets and ionospheric products will be available for registration in PITHIA-NRF e-science center.