Publications, Products and Services

Peer review

Bergeot N., Chevalier J.-M., Bruyninx C., Pottiaux E., Aerts W., Baire Q., Legrand J., P. Defraigne and W. Huang, Near real-time Ionospheric monitoring over Europe at the Royal Observatory of Belgium using GNSS data, J. Space Weather Space Clim., 4 A31 DOI:, 2014.

Vanlommel, P., Messerotti, M., Lilensten, J., Calders, S., Bonte, K., D’Huys, E. and Zigman, V., Exploitation, dissemination, education and outreach in the frame of the COST action ES0803 “Developing Space Weather products and services in Europe”, J. Space Weather Space Clim, 4, A05, DOI 10.1051/swsc/2014002, 2014.

Hernández-Pajares M., Áragón-Angel À., Defraigne P., Bergeot N., Prieto Cerdeira R., Sanz J., García-Rigo A., Distribution and mitigation of higher order Ionospheric effects on precise GNSS processing, J. Geophys. Res., DOI: 10.1002/2013JB010568, 2014.

Bergeot N., Tsagouri I., Bruyninx C., Legrand J., Chevalier J.-M., Defraigne P., Baire Q., Pottiaux E., The Influence of Space Weather on Ionospheric Total Electron Content during the 23rd Solar Cycle, J. Space Weather Space Clim, 3 A25, DOI: 10.1051/swsc/2013047, 2013.

Bergeot N., Bruyninx C., Defraigne P., Pireaux S., Legrand J., Pottiaux E. and Baire Q., Impact of the Halloween 2003 Ionospheric Storm on Kinematic GPS Positioning in Europe, GPS Solutions, doi:10.1007/s10291-010-0181-9, Volume 15, Issue 2, p. 171, 2011.

Recent conferences

Kauristie K., Andries J., Bergeot N., Beck P., Berghmans D., Cesaroni C., Crosby N., De Donder E., Dierckxsens M., Gibbs M., Haralambous H., Harri A.-M., Latocha M., Perrone L., Romano V., Spogli L., StanislawskaI., Hammond K., Tomasik L., van den Oord B., Vanlommel P., Wilken V.,Kriegel M., McKinnell L.-A. and Österberg K., PECASUS, one of the global Space Weather Centers supporting ICAO, ESWW16, 18-22 November, Liège, Belgium, 2019.

Bergeot, N., Habarulema, J. B., Chevalier J.-M., Pinat E. and Cilliers P. J., GNSS-based empirical models for inter-hemispheric comparison of the ionosphere-plasmasphere system at mid-latitude, Beacon Satellite Symposium, Olsztyn, Poland, 19-23 August, 2019.

Bergeot, N., Pierrard, V., Darrouzet, F., and Chevalier, J. M., Comparison between empirical and physical models of the topside Ionospheric-plasmaspheric electron content above Antarctica, 2019 URSI Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference (AP-RASC), 9-15 March 2019, New Delhi, India, IEEE, 2019.

Services and products

Nowcasting of ionospheric TEC ( for European region. Different products based on GNSS data and delivered with a 2-5 min latency. The products are delivered through websites, emails alerts ... Operational and using Public GNSS networks (e.g. EPN, IGS, TRIGNET ...). The data are available at

Regional Warning Center for ISES. Daily forecast of solar and geomagnetic activities. Operational and using Publicly available on SIDC website (

PECASUS, one of the three global space weather service providers for ICAO (