Dr Petra Vanlommel

Petra Vanlommel is a space scientist and science communicator. She has built up experience as communicator through a variety of activities, e.g. leader of the work group ‘Exploitation, Dissemination, Education and Outreach’ of the COST Action ESO0803, work package leader ‘Dissemination’ of FP7 eHEROES, spokesperson of the topical working group ‘Education, Outreach and Emerging Markets’ of the Space Weather Working Team (SWWT)’.

She is the head of communication of the Solar-Terrestrial Centre of Excellence (STCE), which is a coordinating structure of three Belgian federal scientific institutes around the themes space, earth and sun. The main goal is to valorize science by facilitating the debate on sun-spaceearth science while connecting individuals and communities involved, engage in dialogue with all these parties and provide information and education. Clearly, this coordination does not stop at the STCE borders. Petra Vanlommel was for example the chair of the annual conference European Space Weather Week (ESWW), a co-organisation of the STCE, ESA and SWWT. ESWW welcomes more than 400 participants from whole over the world. Petra Vanlommel is the driving force behind SWeC, Space Weather Courses. Recently, Petra Vanlommel became responsible for the training of space weather operators in the PECASUS project for civil aviation.

Petra Vanlommel will give some support for Nicolas Bergeot concerning the WP3 leaded at ORB.