Main tasks
NOA is the overall lead for the PITHIA-NRF project and will therefore be responsible for ensuring that the programme delivers the expected outcomes within the required time and budget. NOA will release the project vision in WP1 and perform internal assessments of compliance in respect to the work implemented. Furthermore, NOA organises the optimization of observing strategies in WP1, and provides important contributions to the dissemination, exploitation and communication programme. NOA is in charge for the organization of the KOM, and of the final meeting for the consortium and the final High Profile Meeting for the stakeholders.
The PITHIA-NRF NOA team belongs to the Institute for Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space Applications and Remote Sensing (IAASARS). The institute operates the Athens Digisonde, the TechTIDE warning and identification service for Travelling Ionospheric Disturbances (TID), and the European Digital Upper Atmosphere Server (DIAS system) which is a data and model e-infrastructure for monitoring and forecasting ionospheric characteristics. These facilities will support the operation of the NOA node in PITHIA-NRF contributing to the TNA programme of the project. In addition, the NOA team will make available several data sets and ionospheric prediction models for registration in PITHIA-NRF e-science center.
The NOA team has a leading role in international and EC projects for space weather specification, forecasting and TID identification and it is skilled in developing e-infrastructures for the collection, processing, archiving, quality control and scientific analysis of space weather data and products in real-time.