Infrastructure or equipment
The PITHIA-NRF NOA team, operates prototype systems for monitoring and predicting ionospheric characteristics and ionospheric irregularities, based on observations received from the Network of European DPS4D stations, GNSS receivers, Doppler Sounding Systems, LEO satellites and spacecrafts at L1 vintage point, and on ancillary data of the atmospheric dynamics, magnetospheric and solar indices.
The DIAS (European Digital Upper Atmosphere Server) infrastructure, operates since 2006. DIAS provides alerts, nowcasts and forecasts for ionospheric conditions. The service is based on data from all European Digisondes and ionosondes, TEC data from the EUREF network and supporting data from the solar wind data from ACE mission and geomagnetic stations from the global networks. The DIAS portal is accessible at, where all products are updated every 15 minutes. In 2013, the DIAS database was registered in ESPAS/FP7-RI platform as one of the main repositories for ground-based ionospheric data and supportive data sets from satellite missions (Demeter, ISIS, Alouette) and reference models (IRI2012).
The team operates the Athens Digisonde since 2000. In 2015 it was upgraded to a DPS4D and all data and value-added products are accessible from In addition to the routine ionospheric measurements, the Athens Digisonde performs oblique drift measurements in synchronous operation with other Digisondes DPS4D for the detection of Doppler and angle of arrival perturbations inferred by TIDs.
The TechTIDE warning system operates since 2020 and was developed with funding from the TechTIDE EU project ( to provide the results of complementary TID detection methodologies and all possible drivers to help the users assessing the risks and develop mitigation technologies, tailored to their applications. TechTIDE methodologies are based on the exploitation of data collected in real-time from Digisondes, GNSS receivers and CDSS networks.
Based on DIAS infrastructure, NOA developed the European Ionosonde Service (, which was selected as one of the federated services that support the pilot of the Space Situational Awareness Programme of the European Space Agency.