Relevant Projects
S. Poedts is:
Co-Promotor of C1 project "TRACESpace: Multiphysics challenges in the Study of the Sun-Earth Connection" , (project C14/19/089 of the Onderzoeksraad (Research Council) of the KU Leuven), Promotor: G. Lapenta, from 01/10/2019 to 30/09/2023.
Promotor of "Multi-fluid modeling of the solar atmosphere from the photosphere up to the corona", FWO project G.0D07.19N from 01/01/2019 to 31/12/2022.
Co-PI of BRAIN project "Constraining CMEs and Shocks by Observations and Modelling throughout the inner heliosphere-CCSOM", in collaboration with ORB (PI: J. Magdalenić).
Coordinator of the project "EUHFORIA 2.0" (Project 870405)" involving: 1) Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Prime Contractor, coordinator: Prof. S. Poedts); 2) Royal Observatory of Belgium (ORB); 3) Turun yliopisto (Finland); 4) Helsingin yliopisto (Finland); 5) Universitatde Barcelona (Spain); 6) United Kingdom Research and Innovation(British Geological Survey, UK); 7) Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS, France); 8) Christian-Albrechts-Universitaet zu Kiel(Germany); 9) Andrey Kochanov (Belgium); 10) Space Consulting International LLC (USA); 11) Space Applications Services (Belgium).
Participant of the project "SafeSpace, Radiation Belt Environmental Indicators for the Safety of Space Assets" (Project 870437)", coordinated by Prof. I. Daglis (NKUA, Greece) and also involving Onera (France),IAP (Czechia), IASB (Belgium), TAS-E (Spain), CNRS (France), SPARC (Greece).
Coordinator of the project "Virtual Space Weather Modelling Centre -Part 3 (VSWMC)" involving: 1) Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Prime Contractor, coordinator: Prof. S. Poedts); 2) Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy (BIRA-IASB, Sub-contractor); 3) Royal Observatory of Belgium (ORB, Sub-contractor); 4) DH Consultancy (DHC, Subcontractor); 6) Space Applications Services (SAS, Sub-contractor); 7)Andrey Kochanov (AK, Sub-contractor); 8) L' Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planétologie (CNRS-IRAP, Sub-contractor); 9) Le Laboratoire AIM et le Service d' astrophysique du CEA/Irfu (CEA-AIMSub-contractor).
Expert advisor on Heliospheric Weather Expert Services Centre (H-ESC) Definition and Development, coordinated by Chris Perry (STFC/RAL Space).