Dr Vincenzo Romano
Vincenzo Romano is senior researcher at INGV. He has a consolidated experience on Radio Science, Space weather and GNSS. In 2014 he has been the principal promoter and co-founder of SpacEarth Technology (SET), the first spin-off of INGV and then President. He is currently the SET General Manager. He participated to more than 15 research and development projects funded by national and international bodies (FP7, H2020, ESA, Royal Society, SCAR), very often with leading roles. He is appointed as the Space Weather expert in the Italian delegation at United Nation Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS) since 2013; national coordinator in the frame of ISWI (International Space Weather Initiative, http://www.iswi-secretariat.org/) since 2017. He published more than 50 papers in international scientific journals as first author or co-author.
In PITHIA-NRF will mainly contribute in WP4 and WP3 by coordinating INGV and SET interaction with an allocation of 7% of full-time employment.