Dr Luca Spogli
Luca Spogli is Researcher at INGV. He is expert in ionospheric physics, in data analysis and treatment techniques, and ionospheric modelling. He participated or is participating to many research projects in the field of solar‐terrestrial relationship and space weather studies funded by national and international agencies (ESA, FP7, H2020). In particular, he was the INGV team leader of the project ESPAS funded by EC (7th framework program), in which an e-Infrastructure necessary to support the access to observations, modeling and prediction of the near-Earth space environment has been realised. He was also involved in the IPS project and in the PECASUS consortium, with the responsibility of the development of models and tools to nowcast and forecasting scintillation effects on GNSS signals. He took part to one Arctic scientific expedition. He is author of an international patent: Grzesiak M, Cesaroni, C., Spogli, L., De Franceschi, G. “Method for forecasting ionosphere total electron content and/or scintillation parameters”, International Publication Number WO 2016/185500 A1. He is author and co‐author of more than 40 papers on scientific journals.
In PITHIA-NRF will be the WP2 Responsible and will contribute to WP1 with an allocation of 17% of full-time employment.