Dr Carlo Scotto
Carlo Scotto is currently senior researcher at INGV. He took part to two Antarctic scientific expeditions and completed a research appointment at the University of Western Ontario (Canada) during the academic year 2009-2010. Co-owner of the industrial Italian patent n. 0001325371 titled “Ionosondadigitale” on December 7, 2004. He introduced an original method for the inversion of ionogram traces and is the main author of the Autoscala software for the automatic interpretation of ionograms. He has been tutor of 12 thesis (8 for M.Sc in Physics and 3 Ph.D in Geophysics). He held several seminars and academic lectures and summer schools. He was coordinator of AUSPICIO project (Automatic Scaling of Polar Ionograms and Cooperative Ionospheric Observations), funded by the Italian National Program for Research in Antarctica and responsible from INGV side for two ESA contracts. To date he has published about 50 papers in peer-reviewed journals.
In PITHIA-NRF will mainly contribute to the INGV node trans-national access and to WP2, with an allocation of 7% of full-time employment.