Dr Dalia Obrazova (Buresova)
Dr. Dalia Obrazova (Buresova) is Deputy Director of the Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (IAP CAS), Chair of the Institute Board, Deputy Chair of the Council for Foreign Affairs of the Czech Academy of Sciences. D. Buresova defended her PhD thesis in 1992 at the Czech Technical University in Prague. Since 1992 she worked at the Geophysical Institute ASCR and since 1994 she is working at the IAP CAS, Department of Ionosphere and Aeronomy (since 2000 senior scientist and till 2019 deputy head of the Department). She is engaged in the field of ionospheric physics (particularly magnetic storm effects on ionosphere), space weather, solar-terrestrial relations, troposphere-ionosphere-magnetosphere coupling, ionospheric measurements, ionospheric service and predictions. D. Buresova is the EGU science officer for ionosphere, organizer/co-organizer of the scientific symposium on ionosphere and thermosphere at 2009-2020 (Program group – Solar-Terrestrial Sciences - ST) and topical editor of the EGU journal Annales Geophysicae. D. Buresova is a head of the RWC Prague. She is author/co-author of 80 published papers and had more than 250 contributions at international conferences and WSs. She is/was main investigator/WP leader of several national and international research projects. D. Buresova serves as referee for JGR-Space physics, Ann. Geophys., J. Atmos. Sol. Terr. Phys., Radio Science, Advances in Space Res., and for national and international science foundations.
In PHITIA-NRF project Dalia Buresova (Obrazova) contributes to WP1, WP3, WP6 and WP8 tasks with an allocation of 40% of full-time employment.