Main tasks
The PITHIA-NRFIAP team belongs to Department of Ionosphere and Aeronomy (DIA) of the IAP CAS and operates the Pruhonice Digisonde, mirror site of the DIDBase, national and international CDSS networks and carries out electric field measurements in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. The team also contributes to the TechTIDE warning and identification service for Travelling Ionospheric Disturbances (TID), and provides data to the World Data Centres, RWC Prague and European Digital Upper Atmosphere Server (DIAS system). The above mentioned facilities will support the operation of the IAP node in PITHIA-NRF contributing to the TNA programme of the project. In addition, the IAP team will make available several manually checked data sets and ionospheric MUF prediction model for registration in PITHIA-NRF e-science center.