Relevant Projects
EGI-Engage: Engaging the EGI community towards an Open Science Commons (2015-2017) aimed to accelerate the implementation of the Open Science Commons by expanding the capabilities of a European backbone of federated services for compute, storage, data, communication, knowledge and expertise, complementing community specific capabilities. EGI-Engage was coordinated by the European Grid Initiative (EGI) and funded through Horizon 2020.
EISCAT_3D was one of eight Competence Centres in this project, with the aim to support high-impact Research Infrastructures/communities by joint development of customised services for these based on core EGI capabilities.
MISW: Mitigation of space weather threats to GNSS services (2014-2016) tackled the research challenges associated with GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) and Space Weather to bring practical solutions right into the forefront of European Industry. EISCAT was responsible for providing true electron density profiles for study errors of the GNSS services.
AARC2: Authentication and Authorisation for Research and Collaboration (2017-2019) addressed the increased need for federated access and for authentication and authorisation mechanisms by research and e-infrastructures. EISCAT teamed up with AARC and worked on a pilot project to update its AAI system. The pilot implemented elements from the Blueprint Architecture with an AAI based on federated authentication and role-based authorisation. The project, coordinated by GEANT, was a Horizon 2020 project.
ENVRIplus (2015-2019) was a Horizon 2020 project bringing together environmental and Earth system research infrastructures, projects and networks together with technical specialist partners to create a more coherent, interdisciplinary and interoperable cluster of environmental research infrastructures across Europe. EISCAT was leading a work package to develop governance tools to facilitate common, fair, and scientific merit based virtual, remote and physical access to environmental research infrastructures and to the data that they provide.
ESPAS: Near-Earth Space Data Infrastructure for e-Science, European Commission FP7, Research Infrastructure Project, 2011-2015. The ESPAS project provided the e-Infrastructure necessary to support the access to observations, the modelling and prediction of the Near-Earth Space environment. The ESPAS interface provides access to a diverse set of databases of heterogeneous data from multiple providers. The results of searches are delivered in a scientist-friendly manner based on existing standards and protocols and was used as a testbed for development of methodologies and standards for validation of models of the near-Earth environment. EISCAT lead the work package to provide a practical implementation of the operational capabilities for the Data Source and Semantic Harmonization layer. The work package also included the critical tasks of testing and finalizing the deployable versions of the ESPAS services, and of developing the administrative tools which will facilitate the deployment and operation of the ESPAS software, the addition of new datasets and the monitoring of system usage.