Dr Ivan Galkin
Dr Galkin has 30+ years of experience in intelligent imagery data processing, management of real-time distributed ionosonde networks, interactive scientific data visualization and analysis, and instrument embedded software design. Experience of direct relevance to PITHIA-NRF project includes participation in TechTIDE project for evaluation, warning, and mitigation of travelling ionospheric disturbances; the co-directorship of NATO SPS project "Pilot network for the identification of travelling ionospheric disturbances" (2014-2017), IPT leadership of RION explorers and databases at Lowell GIRO Data Center, Co-Investigator responsibilities during USAF “Real-time EDP and TID Specification” project (2014-2016), chairing of the Ionosonde Network Advisory Group of the International Union of Radio Science (URSI) since 2010. Additionally, Dr Galkin is project lead for the software development for the new generation of Digisonde sounder DPS4D and lead scientists of the automated Digisonde ionogram interpretation software project ARTIST, based on a neural network approach to line tracing and linguistic analysis of line shapes. ARTIST software will be applicable to the task of ionogram data quality evaluation criteria for the ionogram data for PITHIA-NRF. Among other relevant experience: Project lead for the ground systems software development for the Radio Plasma Image (RPI) instrument aboard the NASA IMAGE satellite, including development of the BinBrowser, CORPRAL, and EdRPI software tools data analysis and mission planning. Co-I in a NASA project on intelligent data understanding. Co-I of NASA Virtual Wave Observatory (VWO). Software project lead for the TNT instrument for the USAF DSX satellite. Flight software IPT lead for USAF DPTIS topside ionospheric sounder.