INGV’s Session in the frame of the 3rd URSI Atlantic Radio Science Meeting

In the frame of the 3rd URSI Atlantic Radio Science Meeting (AT-AP-RASC 2022, that will be held between May 29 and June 3, 2022 in Gran Canaria (Spain), INGV is organizing a session titled “G03 : Ionospheric Space Weather and Impacts on Technological Systems”.

This session will focus on ionospheric and space weather events that may impact telecommunications and navigation systems. Studies on the impact of ionospheric effects on technological systems and services are welcome. The session will also cover all areas of ionospheric space weather research including modelling, data assimilation, and novel observations, specially those using radio wave techniques. Of special interest are papers describing the assessment and validation of space weather models, and the justification of the need for new ground and space-borne measurements. Studies and investigations addressing the modelling, forecasting and/or mitigation of ionospheric phenomena due to space weather events, such as large scale ionospheric gradients or medium- and small-scale irregularities, are also welcome.

The meeting is hybrid type.

Deadline of paper submission is approaching:

The meeting includes a Student Paper Competition and a Young Scientist Award to support student and early career participation.