TNA Dissemination Form Dissemination Form Name E-mail address Submission status First submissionUpdating information Title (or proposed title) First author/presenter Co-authors/co-presenters Short summary or abstract Short summary in plain language explaining the scientific problems addressed, the method, the new results and how PITHIA-NRF contributed (in case of PITHIA-NRF report) or abstract (for other forms of dissemination). text/htmltext/x-web-textile Type of dissemination The submission of the End User Report is mandatory within two months of the Project end-date. PITHIA-NRF reportPoster presentationAbstract submissionOral presentationManuscript submissionAccepted publicationOther Other type of dissemination In case of other type of dissemination, please tell us what: Where Name of conference, journal, website, other. Date of presentation/publication YYYY-MM-DD PDF PDF of the article/report/presentation, if existent (maximum file size: 20 MB) Link to online storage place Link to online storage place of the article/report/presentation (if existent)