The 1st Training for Partners Workshop was organised on 8&9 November 2021 with the participation of 53 members from the PITHIA-NRF beneficiaries and third parties.
The first day of the workshop was dedicated to talks addressing the main technical aspects of PITHIA-NRF; the second day was dedicated to the interaction between the e-Science Centre developers and the data/model providers.
Selected courses are available in the form of webinars:
"PITHIA-NRF in a nutshell: overview and status" (presenter: Anna Belehaki, NOA)
"Designing the PITHIA-NRF e-science centre" (presenter: Gabriele Pierantoni, UOW)
"Standardisation (part 1): Data model and domain ontology" (presenter: Ivan Galkin, BGD)
"Standardisation (part 2): Technical metadata, common language, what to do when registering data/models" (presenter: Tamas Kiss, UOW)