Prof. Tamas Kiss

Prof. Tamas Kissis a Professor in Distributed Computing, and Director of CPC. He holds a PhD in Distributed Computing. His research interests include distributed and parallel computing, cloud, cluster and grid computing. He has been involved in several FP6-FP7 research projects, leading and coordinating application support activities. He has been acting as Project Coordinator of the FP7 CloudSME Project developing a cloud-based simulation platform for manufacturing and engineering SMEs, and the COLA - Cloud Orchestration at the Level Application project that developed the MiCADO automated deployment and autoscaling framework. Currently he is coordinating the H2020 ASCLEPIOS - Advanced Secure Cloud Encrypted Platform for Internationally Orchestrated Solutions in Healthcare project, and also member of the Executive Board of the CloudiFacturing project that aims to optimize production processes and producibility using Cloud/HPC-based modelling and simulation. He co-authored one book and more than 130 scientific papers in journals, conference proceedings and as book chapters.

In PITHIA-NRF Prof. Kiss will coordinate the overall activities of UoW and manage the Research Associates employed specifically for the project He will dedicate 10% of his time.